Robotics Fabrication

A Native American-Owned 8(a) Small Business

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RFI’s Past Robotic and Manned Clearance Efforts

RFI’s proprietary Robotic System and Programming have been successfully applied on multiple MR projects. Our Robotic system can be utilized to meet any project planned schedule, optimize field personnel safety, achieve project planned quality performance requirements, and maintain cost effectiveness when compared to the conventional manned approach.

We strive to shape the future of MMRP Response and Services.



Rodman Range, Pinecastle range complex FL

March 2017-Present

Armored screening at Rodman Range Complex


RFI Technicians use armored heavy equipment to screen and sift to a 3 foot depth at Rodman Range.  Pictured is the Armored John Deere 850 with Leica GPS blade control on board.

Bense Farms, Panama City, FL

March 2017

Manual clearing of 37 acres for additional housing development
 CMI 450 at Bense Farms RFI Technicians manually clear high density wooded areas for additional housing development in Panama City FL.  This task was completed by two RFI Operators, the CMI-450 Mulching system and the CMI-175 Mulching system.

NALF Cabaniss, Corpus Christi, TX

Jan 2017 – Feb 2017


Robotically clear cut 37 acres to support MEC investigation activities
 Corpus Christi

RFI Technicians robotically cleared 7 acres of grass land and 22 acres of dense trees/brush.  The remaining 8 acres was deemed wetlands and land fill areas and were exempt from cutting.  All work was performed using RFI's Robotic ASV PT-100 tracked skid steer and Robotic CMI-175 Mulching machines.  Mobilization/Demobilization was completed using RFI's Peterbilt Heavy Haul tractor/trailer and support vehicles.  3 RFI Operators supported this task.



Tyndall Air Force Base, FL

Nov 2016 – Dec 2016

Disassembly/Removal of desiccant system for Tyndall AFB, Panama City, FL
 IMG 0505 RFI Technicians removed 29 Solar heating panels, 3 control boxes and the associated duct work from BLDG 1117, Tyndall AFB.  All panels were crated for delivery to salvage and all scrap was removed from the site.  All work was performed with RFI's Service/support truck and crane.  This 8a sole source contract was completed on budget and ahead of schedule.

Vista Park

May 2016 – Present

Vista Park Environmental Remediation, Remote Control Vegetation Removal for Buffalo Restoration LLC Orlando, FL 
 Vista Park Robotic vegetation removal of 1576 acres of Pine and Cypress forests in uplands and swamps. All work is being performed using by five RFI robotic operators, using RFI’s CMI-175 mulcher, (2) CMI-250 mulchers, (2) CMI-400 mulchers, and a JD 643K Feller Buncher.  Expected completion date 2018

Tyndall Air Force Base, FL

June - July 2016

Rock Crushing Service at the 823 Red Horse Squadron Training Site for Tyndall AFB, FL

 Rock Crushing

Deliver, set up, and operate an industrial crusher at the 823 Red Horse Squadron Training Site, Tyndall AFB, FL.

Crushed and cleaned 40,000 tons of concrete rubble material.

Delivered 38,500 tons of 1” minus concrete base material and 1,500 tons of 3” x 6” rock.

All work was performed using RFI’s JD 200 excavator, JD 120 excavator, QE340 Scalper screen plant, Anaconda 50’ and 60’ stackers, and JD 650J dozer.

Equipment included a Power Screen Crusher, DOOSAN 225 excavator, 2000-gallon water truck, JD 644 Wheeled Loader.  All field work was performed using by three RFI operators.

RFI successfully completed this 8a set-aside project as a Prime Contractor. ­­­

Fort McCoy, WI

March – May 2016



Badger Drop Zone, North Impact Area and Range 26, Range Support, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for Ft. McCoy US ARMY Reserve Readiness Training Center and USACE Huntsville





Robotic vegetation removal of 218 acres of stumps, trees, and other vegetation at the MEC laden drop zone to help with the safe deployment of troops on the range at Fort McCoy Live-Fire and Testing Training Range (Badger Drop Zone, North Impact Area, and Range 26). All work was performed by three RFI robotic operators, using RFI’s CMI-175 mulcher, CMI-250 mulcher, CMI-400 mulcher, and ASV PT100 vehicles.

The break in operations from Oct 2015 to Mar 2016 was due to severe winter weather and the presence of bats roosting in the trees on the work site


Fort AP Hill, VA

February – March 2016


Range Maintenance Support – Tree and Vegetation Removal, Fort AP Hill for USACE Huntsville


 IMG 0770

Provided range maintenance support services in the form of tree and vegetation removal in designated Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) contaminated areas located at Fort AP Hill, Virginia. RFI robotically cleared 86 acres of trees and vegetation.

All work was performed by a 3-person team of RFI’s robotic operators, using RFI’s CMI-175, CMI-250, and CMI-450 robotic mulchers.

Camp Atterbury, Edinburg, IN

February 2016



Installation of 18” Isolation Cap for the US Army National Guard, Camp Atterbury, Joint Maneuver Training Center





Used the robotic John Deere 650J Dozer to push rubble and rock on to the grenade range, grade the area level and compact the added material. Cut the existing berm along the line of throwing positions to establish a retaining wall.This 2-week effort was part of a Range Renewal effort to modify the existing range into separate throwing lanes and reestablish the grenade impact area, filling the existing holes/craters to prevent the accumulation of water and set up throwing lanes using T-Wall structures.

All work was performed by RFI’s 2-person team of robotic operators.


Hawthorne Army Depot, NV

November – December 2015


Walker Lake Test Range Time Critical Removal Action located in Hawthorne, NV for Hawthorne Army Depot



Robotic time critical removal of 2.75-inch and 5-inch rockets at the Walker Lake Test Ranges. A Robotic Marsh Excavator (excavator on pontoons) customized with mechanical platform was used to robotically remove the rockets and haul the items to an area designated for MEC/MPPEH management by qualified UXO technicians. 2,000 rockets were removed from the receding water line of Walker Lake testing and target training area.


Tyndall AFB, FL

September 2015 - February 2016



Hydrema Mine Flail Services for Tyndall Air Force Base



 Tyndall Hydrema


Assessment and repairs of four Hydrema mine area clearance vehicles and three enclosed trailers and to perform adaptations to increase functionality of the vehicles both on- and off-site for Tyndall AFB, FL Provided the capability to robotically operate a rotary surface broom. Installed the controls and hydraulics necessary to transition the machine from flail mode to sweep mode. Performed annual maintenance and all necessary repairs on all 4 Hydrema Mine Flails returning them to operational status, re-skinned three transport trailers, and modified an existing mobile lab trailer into an equipment transport trailer.  Removed all work benches, lab test equipment, and rewired the interior lights. Modified the 40’ trailer and removed the deteriorated ramp door and installed a roll-up door and hinged aluminum ramp assembly.

RFI’s fabrication facilities, located in Panama City, FL were instrumental in performing this contract.



Fort McCoy, WI

August - October 2015


Badger Drop Zone, North Impact Area and Range 26, Range Support, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for Ft. McCoy US ARMY Reserve Readiness Training Center

 Mulchers  Robotic vegetation removal of 200 plus acres of MEC laden drop zone to help with the safe deployment of troops on the range at Fort McCoy Live-Fire and Testing Training Range (Badger Drop Zone, North Impact Area, and Range 26). All work was accomplished with RFI’s robotic CMI 175 Mulcher and robotic CMI 250 Mulcher operated by two RFI robotic operators.

Joint Base Cape Cod, MA

July 2015

Source Remedial Action/Response Plan at Joint Base Cape Cod, Massachusetts (JBCC) for USACE New England

 Joint Base Cape Cod Robotic tree and vegetation removal and mulching services at Area 2 (10 acres Phase II) and Area 3 (8 acres Optional Phase II). All work was accomplished with RFI’s robotic CMI 175 Mulcher operated by a 2-person team of RFI robotic operators. RFI supported the development of the maintenance program, identified and procured an essential list of spare and repair parts, special tools and auxiliary equipment and further modified the mulchers to improve their toughness and reliability for use by the Army on other range vegetation removals.

Navy CLEAN Vieques, PR

January 2015 – May 2016

NAVY CLEAN Robotic and Manual Vegetation Clearance, Soil and Scrap Sifting, Test Pit and Various Other MR Support Services for NAVFAC SW

 Navy Clean This project was conducted under a Robotic Pilot Study for the US Navy using robotic equipment to clear sub-munitions and areas of vegetation. RFI sifted heavily saturated roads of metals so discreet digs could be accomplished. RFI sifted areas that were under water for anomalies Following the success of the pilot study, RFI was contracted to conduct the robotic vegetation clearance, soil sifting, scrap segregation, excavate test pits, excavation of existing roadways, and various other tasks as needed in support the overall Navy CLEAN efforts in Vieques, PR. This add on work is an ongoing operation and scheduled to continue throughout calendar year 2016. To date, RFI successfully completed approximately 10 miles of road vegetation removal and sifted/processed 9,132 cubic yards of dirt/rocks, and 2,212 cubic yards of asphalt on old runway. All work is being accomplished with RFI’s owned robotic John Deere 330C/LC excavator, complete with sifting bucket, electromagnet, standard bucket, and a diamond mower attachments and operated by RFI’s 2-person team of robotic operators. 

Orange Country, FL

September – October 2014

UXO Avoidance Services, Wetland Delineation and Boundary Surveys for Orange County, FL

 EODUXO RFI provided two qualified UXO technicians (Level II) to support the field activities associated with a two month wetlands delineation and boundary surveying on private property in Orange County, FL. All fieldwork was successfully completed with no incidents or accidents.

Fort Chaffee, AR

February 2014


Removal Action Area Survey Support, Scout Reconnaissance Range and Infantry Platoon Battle Course Overlay (SRR/IPBC) at Fort Chaffee, AR for USACE Huntsville

 Fort Chaffee Together with USACE Huntsville, RFI completed a robotic demonstration to conduct a removal of an 8” layer of top soil from a designated area (approximately 100’ x 100’) using RFI’s Robotic John Deere 650J Bulldozer. The intent of the task was to remove high density anomalies near the surface to low the subsurface anomaly density enough to facilitate a subsequent mag-and-dig sub-surface clearance of the area by qualified UXO technicians Upon completion of the demonstration, the anomaly count was reduced by approximately 80%.

Fort Bragg, NC 

May - June 2013

Remote Vegetation Clearance and Soil Disking at Fort Bragg, NC for USACE Huntsville

 Fort Bragg Robotic vegetation removal and disking of the soil to facilitate manual MEC Subsurface Removal Action. Robotic disk harrows and shallow plows were used to break up heavily compacted soil to reveal MPPEH items for subsequent manual assessment and removal by UXO technicians. All work was accomplished with an ASV Skid Steer machine with a 3-point hitch and two RFI robotic operators. Completed 6 acres of clearance and disking in designated impact areas.

Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, Parsons, KS

March 2013 – October 2015

Robotic and Up-Armored Excavation, Characterization, and Material Processing of the Open Detonation (OD) Kick-Out Area, Munitions Test Areas, and Expanded Furnace and Mortar Area located at Kansas Army Ammunition Plant (KSAAP) in Parsons, Kansas for Kansas City Districts

 KSAAP Completed 64 acres of bulk MEC clearance using heavy equipment excavation and materials sifting.  Excavated 56 trenches/excavations and sifted a total volume 53,316 banked cubic yards of materials, and processed 17,215 banked cubic yards of sifted materials.  Recovered 127,738 lbs. MEC, 97,487 lbs. of MDAS, and 1,201,432 lbs. of recycled materials (metal debris).  Removed 6,956 MEC items that were disposed of onsite by intentional detonation. High plasticity of soil makes mechanical screening impractical.  RFI amended the soil with quicklime to increase the pH in the materials, reduce plasticity, and reduce moisture content to make mechanical screening practical and more efficient than excavation and manual MEC clearance of excavated soils. This greatly improved the soil sifting process and projected production was achieved. Excavated in excess of 140 exploratory trenches, and 15 test pits to determine levels and types of contamination. Due to multiple contractors working at the KSAAP site, sequencing and prioritizing of areas to be cleared slowed down the production. To help improve RFI’s productivity, larger equipment with more capacity was deployed to complete the project in accordance with the planned schedule.

Fort AP Hill, VA

March – May 2013

June – September 2014

October 2014 – January 2015

Range Maintenance – Tree and Vegetation Removal, Fort AP Hill for USACE Huntsville

 AP Hill Working together with the USAESCH and the Air Force Research Laboratory, RFI innovated the robotic vegetation removal and improved the line of sight to range targets. RFI also developed and expanded the maintenance program, identified and procured an essential list of spare and repair parts, special tools and auxiliary equipment and further modified the mulchers to improve their toughness and reliability. RFI robotically removed trees and vegetation on Range 25, Range 21, OP1, and Range 16 within the Live Fire Training Area at Fort AP Hill to provide line of sight for weapons firing. A total of 88 acres was cleared using modified robotic CMI-175 Twister and CMI-400 with RFI’s robotic proprietary system installed.  Both machines were operated by a 2-person team of RFI operators. A total of 82 acres was cleared using robotic SK300 tracked mulcher and robotic MD-70 skid steer machines operated by a 2-person team of RFI robotic operators.

Eglin AFB, FL

December 2012 – January 2013

Vegetation Removal at Eglin AFB, FL for USACE Huntsville

 CMI 450 Mulcher Manned vegetation removal of over 60-acres to facilitate range construction of a new Machine Gun RangeAll work was performed with manually operated mulching equipment by RFI’s 2-person team of equipment operators.

Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), MA

September 2012

Vegetation Clearance in the Central Impact Area, MMR for Massachusetts Wildlife Institute and the State of Massachusetts

 MMR Robotically cleared vegetation from a 3-acre area of the Central Impact Area located at MMR. All work was performed by RFI’s 2-person robotic operators using a robotic ASV Skid Steer machine with a brush hog rotary mower.

U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY

September – November 2012

Robotic Planting of Engineered Grass Seed Balls over a 1.5-acre Test Area at the Cranberry Mountain Ordnance Impact Area located at the US Army Garrison, West Point Artillery Range used by the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. for USACE Huntsville and US Army Environmental Command

 West Point Distribution of grass seed balls on the hillside by people is not permitted at the impact area without special UXO escort due to the risk of detonating unexploded ordnance. RFI fabricated a robotic rotary agricultural spreader and successfully completed the job. Working together with the USAESCH, Aberdeen Test Center, and USACE Cold Regions Research Laboratory, RFI fabricated a robotic rotary agricultural spreader mounted on a radio-controlled dozer. The hopper was loaded with engineered grass seed balls and the robotic dozer was sent robotically into the work area. A mere 15 minutes of the next two hours were required to distribute all 35,000 grass seed balls: the rest of the time was spent negotiating the slick path for reloading. All work was performed by a single RFI operator using a robotic CMI-125 Wood Devil with a push blade attachment. Planting grass is not a typical task for the USAESCH; however, when the grass began getting sparse in a mortar and artillery impact area on a steep hillside at West Point, N.Y., RFI helped the Army solve this high-risk problem and got the new grass successfully planted.

Fort Bragg, NC

September 2012

Effects of Electromagnetic Application on Soils for Concurrent Technologies Corp (CTC) and the Assistant Secretary of the ARMY, Installations and Environmental

 Fort Bragg 2 Determine the effects of applying an Electromagnet to soils on future sub-surface anomaly detection. A magnetometer was used to sweep a designated area for subsurface anomalies.  The same area was then swept with a CAT-325 Excavator with a 57” electromagnet (Magnetic UXO Recovery System or MURS) in an effort to remove ferrous metals.  After application of the magnet, the area was again swept with the magnetometer to identify if the area had become magnetized, affecting the reliability of the magnetometer. This task was completed by RFI’s 2-person team of qualified operators.

Raritan, NJ

May 2012

Robotic Vegetation Removal at Raritan, NJ for Integration Innovation, Inc. and Air Force Research Laboratory, Tyndall AFB, FL

 MMR Perform robotic vegetation removal on approximately 38-acres of tidal land at Raritan, NJ. All work was performed by RFI’s 3-person team of robotic operators using 2 ASV Skid Steer machines with bush hog rotary mower.

Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

May - August 2012

MEC Removal of Gorge OB/OD Area for the US Army, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

 Picatinny Excavated, screened, and separated MEC from soil as part of the Army’s plans for repair/improvement of the Picatinny Gorge OB/OD area. Robotically excavated and sifted 3,600 cubic yards of soil contaminated with MPPEH, loaded trucks with timber for offsite disposal; loaded trucks with miscellaneous steel to be hauled offsite, built a large rock berm along the silt fence already installed on site, installed small rock/gravel and graded the roads on the site, and constructed a set of Grizzly Bars for the Government furnished sift plant. All work was performed with a robotic CAT-325 Excavator, a 10K Wheel Loader and a Sift Plant. All equipment was operated by RFI’s 2-person team of robotic operators.

Fort Gordon, GA

April 2012

Fire Break UXO Isolation CAP, Fort Gordon, GA for USACE Huntsville

 Fort Gordon RFI constructed a roadway at an MEC contaminated military impact area. The project operations consisted of vegetation removal and installation of a UXO isolation cap using robotic equipment (autonomous remote controlled vehicle).This effort was part of a program to test and evaluate the performance of robotic construction of UXO isolation caps for use in military impact areas. All field work was successfully completed by RFI’s 2-person team of robotic operators using a robotic mulcher, a robotic CASE Tractor and a robotic Liebherr Dozer.

Fort Polk, LA

December 2011 – January 2013

Range Maintenance Support Services, Redleg Impact Area, Fort Polk, LA for USACE Huntsville

 Mulchers RFI provided range maintenance support in the form of robotic tree and vegetation removal on the Redleg Impact Area to improve line of sight to designated targets. Robotic vegetation removal of 400 plus acres of MEC/ MPPEH contaminated ranges to provide line of sight clearance to targets. A total of 435 acres were successfully cleared using two robotic Bandit Industries Mulchers, a robotic CMI-175 Twister, and a robotic SK-300 Mulcher.  All robotic machines were operated by RFI’s 3-person team of robotic operators.

Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

October 2011 – May 2012

Robotic MEC Removal from Construction Site at Building-636, Ballistic Evaluation Center, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ for USACE Baltimore

 Picatinny2 RFI conducted preconstruction remediation to provide a clean construction site for improvements to Building-636 of Ballistic Evaluation Center at the Arsenal. RFI robotically excavated and sifted 12,000 cubic yards of soil and removed over 700 tons of MPPEH/scrap itemsAll work was successfully completed using RFI’s 3-person team of robotic operators using a robotic Liebherr 742 dozer, robotic CAT 325 Excavator, Hitachi Excavator, Sandvik QE340 Sift Plant, and robotic ASV Skid Steer.

Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), MA

August 2011 – June 2012

NAD Unrestricted TERC JV

 MMR2 Performed on-site services to include vegetation removal, soil screening, excavation and on-site soil/munitions transport in support of TTEC’s Camp Edwards MMR Project. Robotically sifted soil stockpiles and conducted vegetation removal to facilitate the demonstration of the Metal Mapper’s capabilities in discriminating between buried UXO items and other metallic objects and consolidation of MEC/MPPEH items for disposal Robotically sifted 2,500 cubic yard of soil, robotically cleared 8-acres of vegetation, and robotically transported 300 MEC items to a designated MEC demolition area for final disposition by qualified UXO technicians. All fieldwork was performed by RFI’s 3-person team robotic operators using two robotic ASV Skid Steers, a robotic Liebherr Dozer, a Sandvik QE340 Sift Plant, and a robotic CMI-125 Mulcher.